
Privacy policy


Who are we?

Richmond Football Club Limited (RFCL) is a limited company known as 'Richmond Rugby' and registered in England and Wales whose registered office is Richmond FC, Twickenham Road, Richmond, TW9 2SF.

We operate as Data Controller for the information you provide to us as members of the club. Plus, members who are also players or coaches or medical support staff.

Please click the following headings for details of each club area:

Members - click here

Players, Coaches and Medical staff click here

Your rights under GDPR.

You are entitled to ask about the data that is held about you, subject to certain exceptions. This is called a Subject Access Request (SAR). These should be made by email or in writing to the following address:

Email: dpo@richmondfc.co.uk
Address: Data Protection Officer, The Athletic Ground, Twickenham Road, Richmond, TW9 2SF.

If you would like to exercise any of your rights under GDPR and DPA, please email our Data Protection Officer on dpo@richmondfc.co.uk

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you are not satisfied with our handling of your requests about the protection of your data. Follow the link here to report a concern to the ICO.